The Hazlehurst Comma

By on Mar 20, 2017 in Language, Public Policy | 0 comments

The good old Oxford Comma. For a tiny minority of people it inspires passion, even inflames it. It turns out that minority includes some of my highly ethical colleagues at The Ethicos Group (Facebook; website), an integrity innovator and promoter of better decision-making in government and business, chaired by none other than renowned historian and author, Fellow of both the Royal Historical Society and the Royal Society of Literature, Dr Cameron Hazlehurst. Cameron is one impassioned, even inflamed by this particular punctuation mark: he’s a great champion for it. It was not surprising he felt vindicated by a recent media report of a multi-million dollar court case turning on comma placement. One media report is here. In sum, the presence or absence of a comma affected whether a dairy company was exempt from overtime payments both to workers who packed perishable dairy goods and...