The triumph of means over ends

By on Apr 20, 2016 in Integrity, Public Policy | 0 comments

The ABCC is a tool not a policy Surely no one really expects Malcolm Turnbull to fight the next federal election over re-establishing the Australian Building and Construction Commission. There will be a lot of other issues and lots of other policy announcements from Liberal, Labor and Greens alike. The ABCC will be lost in the big fights over who can manage the economy, health, education, welfare, the environment etcetera. But, the proposed ABCC is an instrument of policy, not a policy objective  despite the language coming out of the mouths of Mr Turnbull and his  ministerial colleagues. The ABCC is a tool not an objective. Policy objectives are implemented with tools, or “policy instruments”. The tools are the means not the ends. It is the ends that matter. So what ends are intended by the ABCC? Depending on your perspective it might be: to end corruption in the building...